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Year 7 and 8 rotation subjects

Design and technology (DT), drama and food and nutrition subjects are studied as part of a rotation in approximately 6 week blocks.  Please find below details of the rotation dates.

Students will not be issued with new paper copies of their timetables for each new rotation.  SIMS Parent and SIMS Student will be updated to show the rotation classes.

The teachers within the timetables are:

  • BS - Mrs Sadler, DT
  • CC - Miss Carr, Drama
  • SB - Mr Bridgeman, Food
  • JW - Mr Walsh, DT 
  • LA - Ms Allan, Drama
  • SF - Mrs Fordham, Drama
  • JE - Mrs Elwes, Food (Monday and Wednesday)
  • LS - Mrs Stickells, Food (Friday)

Year 7 rotation of drama, DT and food 2024-25

Year 8 rotation of drama, DT and food 2024-25