SIMS Student
We are using SIMS Student to communicate with students. SIMS Student is the student version of SIMS Parent, which allows students to access the same information as their parents/carers. It includes the following:
- conduct - daily achievements and behaviour events including homework completion information
- attendance
- homework
- timetable
- reports at key points across the year
- daily messages
SIMS Options is accessed via SIMS Student during January and February for students in years 8, 9 and 10 to select their option choices. Further information can be found on the options page under the students tab.
ICT policy for students
Students will agree to the ALF ICT code of conduct policy via Google Classroom. A section of this document relates to the use of SIMS Student. A copy of the document is available below.
If students have any questions or concerns regarding the policy, they can see one of the computing teachers to discuss it further.