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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Our SEND Provision

Aylsham High School takes a whole school inclusive approach to students with SEND, recognising that the aims of the school are the same for all students, whatever their abilities.

We strive to create a learning environment that is flexible and creative and meets the needs of all members of our community.  We continually monitor our students’ progress and formally report on this to families on a termly basis through whole school monitoring systems. Those students with an EHCP have an annual review meeting with a member of our SEND team, families and where appropriate, their EHCP Co-ordinator.  External professionals may also attend.

At AHS we are ambitious for all our students, fostering a positive approach to any challenges they may have, working with them on their strengths and their difficulties. We always encourage a positive approach to learning and life.

We aim to;

  • Build positive relationships
  • Create stimulating, inclusive environments
  • Teach to a high standard and challenge students to achieve their potential
  • Motivate students to become independent learners
  • Prepare our students for an active, healthy and independent future
  • Nurture, value and reward the diverse range of talents within our school community
  • Foster resilience, perseverance and a positive attitude to learning
  • Ensure that every student feels safe

Contacts - Our SEND Team

From left to right – Mr. D Spalding, Mrs. S Heys, Mrs. K Garnham and Mr. D Sweatman



Mrs K Garnham –

Mr D Sweatman -


Assistant SENDCo:

Mrs S Heys –


SEMH Officer:

Mrs. S Dale –


Headteacher: Mr D Spalding

SEN Governor: Mr K Smith

Chair of Governors: Mrs J Youngs


If you have any questions relating to SEND please email any of the above or phone us on 01263 733270.

For families with students already at AHS, we very much look forward to meeting you during parents' evening or one of our SEND cafés held at AHS throughout the year.

The next SEND cafés will be held on:

  • Thursday 1st May 1.45pm to 3.15pm in the main hall at Aylsham High School

(more details on these events will follow shortly)

Find us on Facebook by searching for ‘Aylsham High School – SEND Information’ .

Please find our SEN Information Report below. The purpose of this report is to share how students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are supported in our school. The report is updated annually and is guided by the SEND code of practice: 0 – 25 years that outlines the legal requirements and statutory guidelines for schools, academies and local authorities. This report has been co-produced with governors, staff, families and students.