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TACT (Families)

Welcome to The Aylsham Community Trust (Families).  TACT (Families) offers families whose children attend schools in Aylsham, Aldborough, Buxton, Erpingham, and Hevingham opportunities to support their mental health and wellbeing, raise aspirations and engage in family and lifelong learning.

TACT (Families) is a registered charity (charity number 1205779).  Our vision is to develop a community where schools, families and partners work together to provide opportunities and support which allows young people and their families to reach their full potential.

Our Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) Team

Our social, emotional & mental health (SEMH) team provides an individual and tailored SEMH service to each school based on the needs of their pupils.  The benefits of this service include:

  • Offers flexible and accessible support built around schools', children's and families' needs
  • Promotes the ethos of early intervention and prevention to support children with their SEMH needs
  • Improved communication and co-ordination of services for complex cases where a number of specialised services are involved
  • Also provides a level of support not seen in many schools while waiting for other external  services to be involved when there are such long waiting lists

We have received really positive feedback from families we have supported.  Please see testimonials from children and parents below:

"I have a happy face when I know I am going to see Mrs Clark - she makes me feel better - I like going outdoors with her it makes my day fun and I like school on that day.  She knows when I am feeling sad - I can tell her how I am feeling."

"Mrs Dyer and Mrs Dale have supported our family a lot - it is nice knowing that they understand - our younger children were really struggling with being in school but now they are really settled and doing well.  They have supported our older children at high school too - it's good to not have to keep explaining our situation over and over again - they get it and how complicated it can be sometimes."

Referrals to our SEMH team are made through our schools.  If you feel your child could benefit from our support, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child's school.


Our Family Learning Team

Our family learning team run a wide range of FREE courses and workshops for families.  These include:

  • Emergency First Aid at Work
  • CIEH Foundation Certificate in Food Safety
  • Managing Exam Stress
  • Dyslexia Awareness

Our adult learning programme offers families opportunities to explore and develop new skills, such as DIY, craft, learning a language, alongside studying to exam level - please see a link to our current programme here.

Family learning days are offered on a termly basis at each of our TACT (Families) schools which provide parents with opportunities to engage in learning alongside their children, and we supply activity booklets for children filled with craft, cookery and nature ideas to inspire children during their school holidays. 

The Rotary Club of Aylsham generously sponsor our annual Family Learning Day event, hosted by Aylsham High School in the summer term.  This event is open to families from all of our TACT (Families) schools, and brings together a number of local organisations to provide a fun and engaging learning experience.   

In addition, our team run in-school workshops such as:

  • Coffee, Cookies and Counting
  • Moving Maths Mountains

If you would like to know more about any of the courses or would like to suggest a topic that would be of interest to you, please contact our Family Learning Co-ordinator,  Monica Harding on 07780 887348 or email

Please see our Facebook link here for up-to-date information about current courses, or please scan the QR code below: 

TACT (Families) Facebook


How you can support TACT (Families)

TACT (Families) is a charity and is funded by donations, grants and schools' fundraising.   If you would like to support us, a great way to donate to our charity, while also having the chance to win a number of prizes every month, is to register to play the Broadland Community at Heart Lottery.  

Please click on the website link below to play:


Our Trustees

Our Trustees are passionate about achieving the vision of TACT (Families), and have a wealth of experience between them to deliver the objective of providing opportunities and support to allow young people and their families to reach their full potential.

TACT (Families) Schools