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The Library

Eplatform is now available here.  You can listen to books on the go and download books on to you mobile device.  

The newly decorated library is a light, bright, open and comfortable space equipped with printing facilities, computers and of course a good selection of fiction and non fiction books. It  is open until 4.30 on Monday to Thursday and at lunch times for students to read, research and do their homework. There is also a selection of board games for students to enjoy during their leisure time. At lunch times the library has the assistance of pupil librarians who issue, return and shelve books, maintain displays and help other students.

We are always open to students' requests and suggestions for purchases and ideas. We want to encourage and harbour a love of reading for pleasure throughout the school. We hold a fortnightly book group for students and a termly group for staff. Students can have books issued to them for a fortnight and renew them until they have finished reading them. Books can be returned to the library or to the returns box outside room 50. 

We have recently launched a film club through the educational organisation 'Into Film' and plan to show a film adaptation of a book once a term over lunch. Our next screening will be "Wonder" more details including dates and how to get your free ticket will be coming soon. If you want to be completely up to date with all the library events, please become a follower on our Twitter feed.