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If you are interested in applying for a place at our school or have any general questions about Admissions, please contact Norfolk County Council Admissions on:
03448 008020

Current Admission Criteria

Our admissions policy can be downloaded below.  The purpose of our school admissions policy is to ensure that decisions to admit pupils/students are based on fair and transparent criteria.  If the number of applications exceeds availability, pupils/students will be allocated places in the following order of priority:  

  1.  Children with an EHCP (education, health and care plan) or statement of special educational needs naming the school
  2. Children who are in public care or who have been adopted from public care who are due to transfer. 
  3. Children with a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission.
  4. Children who are due to transfer and live in the area served by the school.
  5. The ‘area served by the school’ is defined as the villages that make up the catchment areas of Aylsham High School and therefore The Aylsham Cluster of Schools:
  • Aldborough Primary
  • Bure Valley Junior
  • Buxton Primary
  • Colby Primary
  • Erpingham VC Primary
  • Hevingham and Marsham Primary Partnership
  • St Michael’s C of E VA Primary and Nursery
  1.  Children of staff who have a permanent contract of employment who are due to transfer.
  2. Children who attend an Aylsham Cluster school but live outside the catchment.
  3. Children who live outside the catchment, based on proximity of the child’s home to each applicable school, with those living nearer being accorded the higher priority.
To view the full admission policy please check here