Duke of Edinburgh
Social Media
Duke of Edinburgh Twitter https://twitter.com/DofE_AHS
Links to Google consent forms to be completed for expedition May 2025
Bronze D of E - Parental Consent Form Level 3 visits, please click here
Silver D of E - Parental Consent Form Level 3 visits, please click here
The Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme is offered at Aylsham High School. Students are given the opportunity to complete their bronze award initially, followed by their silver and potentially gold awards if they choose. The scheme is open to all students from the age of 14 years upwards.
Students will be required to complete six months service for the community, three months physical recreation and three months of a skilled practice. This will give the student a whole year of commitment. The award scheme culminates in an expedition, in which students are required to navigate their way across the countryside and camp out overnight.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme is offered as an extra-curricular activity outside of the school day.
Please click here for a short YouTube video entitled 'Start your Bronze D of E'.
Duke of Edinburgh Young Leaders
Once having the assembly about D of E (Duke of Edinburgh) we instantly knew we wanted to take on this challenge. After hearing a bit more about it, we became very interested to find out more on what the Duke of Edinburgh really was all about. We have both recently completed our Bronze D of E award and considering doing silver, when we received an email asking if we would like to be the D of E young leaders and to join the course. From this we were both really intrigued and eager. So far in this course we feel like our leadership skills are coming more alive. We are hoping to make a difference in the way people think of D of E. Not as a hassle or pain, but as a way to develop new skills, friendships and to learn and understand more on the world and environment around you. We are also hoping this young leader’s opportunity will give others more confidence asking for help. We are also looking forward to supporting Mrs Wiseman.
If you see us around the school, please don’t be afraid to come and ask us for help or any questions you may have. Both of us will be in room 38 at lunchtime on Tuesday. You can also find more information on our Instagram page @dofe_ahs
Elsie Goodwin and Lexi-Rayne Vincent
D of E young leaders 2023/24
Ambassador Training
Chloe Prince is the new Duke of Edinburgh Ambassador for Aylsham High School. She will be completing her training on line later in this month. She will be taught how to support other students to map read and to complete the on line training for their E D of E. She will also be given guidance on how to run an assembly; this is something Chloe is looking forward to. This will give her the skills in helping others at Aylsham High School who are just starting their own journeys. I am really looking forward in having the opportunity to working with her.
Mrs Tanya Wiseman
Duke of Edinburgh Manager