School Uniform and Personal Belongings
The school uniform regulations are designed to enable students to dress appropriately for work at school, without undue cost being involved. Taking pride in their appearance and demonstrating respect for the values of the school is very important to our students. Uniform must be worn by all students whilst in attendance at the school, on the way to and from school and on all school visits unless the executive headteacher has given prior permission to the contrary.
The uniform is available from Leopard Boutique in North Walsham. 26 Market Place, North Walsham.
There are a number of options available to enable families to get the uniform they require as easily, and cost efficiently, as possible:
- Try on sizes will be available at reception in all of our three schools (John of Gaunt Infant and Nursery School, Bure Valley School and Aylsham High School)
- Orders can be made online at:
- Orders made online can be collected in store or posted to your preferred address for a small charge. Alternatively deliveries will be made for collection from the schools once a week (you will need to phone on 01603 781 224 to arrange this option)
It is advisable to order uniform in plenty of time before your child starts school or requires replacement items. Badges purchased for blazers bought from other retailers can be obtained from our finance office. The Friends of Aylsham High School also run a shop for the sale of pre-owned items of school uniform. The executive headteacher reserves the right to isolate any student who is wearing any garment which the executive headteacher and senior staff consider unsuitable for school.
Uniform for Years 7 to 10
Blazers | All students of years 7, 8, 9 and 10 must wear a navy blue blazer with the school badge. |
Jumpers | Students can wear a navy blue v-neck jumper under their blazer but NOT in place of their blazer. Cardigans are not acceptable uniform. |
White shirts | Students must wear a plain white shirt (short sleeve or long sleeve) with a conventional collar and their house coloured tie |
Trousers | When trousers are worn they should be black or dark/charcoal grey. Jeans, chinos, cords, tight trousers, leggings or hipsters are not acceptable. |
Skirts | When skirts are worn they should be black or dark/charcoal grey. They need to be of an appropriate length. Jersey tight fitted tube style skirts are NOT acceptable along with denim or corduroy fabrics. Skirts with slits at the side or front are NOT acceptable. If skirts are too short students will be required to borrow a school skirt from the attendance/pastoral office to wear until they can provide a suitable alternative. Leopards have stock of suitable skirts that AHS has approved. |
Shoes | All students must wear low-heeled, black shoes or ankle boots. Students are allowed to wear black trainers with black soles and no other evident colours, markings or visible branding. (Any visible branding would need to be coloured out using permanent marker). Stiletto heels cause floor damage are not acceptable. Mixed coloured trainers and ugg-style boots are not acceptable. Students not in correct footwear will be required to change into plimsolls. Students are not allowed to wear any open toed style shoe. |
Ties | Students are to wear their school house colour tie. |
Belts | Large ornamental, studded or coloured belts should not be worn. A black belt with a conventional buckle is acceptable. |
Jewellery | Jewellery is restricted to two small studs, one in each ear. Nose piercings should be replaced with a clear retainer., however all jewellery will need to be removed for PE. Other forms of body piercing (face, tongue, naval etc.) are not permitted. Students will be required to remove them or spend time in isolation. |
Make-up and nails | If worn, make-up should be minimal and discreet. Nail varnish , false nails and gel nails should not be worn and students will be required to remove them. |
Hoodies | Hoodies can only be worn over students blazers as part of their outdoor layer as they would a coat to keep them warm. They are NOT allowed to wear a hoodie instead of their blazer. Students will be challenged if this happens |
Socks and Tights | When socks are worn they can be trainer socks or ankle socks. When tights are worn they must be black/navy/grey or neutral. |
Shorts | Knee-length tailored or cargo shorts in dark grey or black can be worn by all students . No cycling shorts, sports shorts or tight shorts are to be worn. |
Uniform for Year 11
Year 11 uniform is as above except a black v-neck jumper with AHS badge is worn instead of a blazer.
Summer Term only
Polo Shirts | Students are able to wear the blue AHS polo shirts or a plain sky blue polo shirt along with their blazers for the whole of this term. |
Aylsham High School Branded PE Kit (items marked * are exclusive to the school and can only be purchased from Leopards Boutique)
Minimum kit required:
- Unisex school logo polo shirt, collar with buttons* or V-neck school logo fitted polo*
- Royal blue football shorts or skort*
- Royal blue and navy football/hockey socks*
- Navy blue rugby top with royal blue band* (suitable for outdoor activities e.g. rugby, football, cross country). A quarter zip top is an alternative to this item but this is not suitable for rugby.
- Normal white sports or white sports trainer socks
- Training shoes – no high top trainers or lightweight plimsolls
- Football boots
- Shin pads for football and hockey
- Swimming hat, one piece swimsuit and towel
- All students must wear gum shields for hockey and rugby, these are available to purchase from the school for £2
The following items are optional:
- Quarter zip top*
- School logo navy tracksuit bottoms*
- Samurai Waterproof Smock Tops (These are not available to purchase from Leopards Boutique, they are ordered via our PE department at fixed times during the year. Please email for further information)
Non branded alternatives which may be purchased.
- Plain white t shirt
- Royal blue shorts
- Royal blue football/hockey socks
- Plain navy tracksuit bottoms (no prominent visible branding)
N.B: Tracksuit trousers cannot be worn for gymnastics module for health and safety reasons.
Jewellery guidelines
To help keep everybody safe during their PE lessons we have some simple expectations around jewellery. Students will have to remove all earrings, body piercings and retainers before each PE activity, no matter how recently pierced. With this in mind, we ask that approved piercings are carried out at the start of the summer holiday as this provides 6 weeks healing time.
Sanctions are applied if a student has two or more jewellery-related issues in a half-term. We are keen to prevent this from happening. Therefore, should any concerns arise, we are keen to work closely with families to resolve the matter quickly to allow students to engage with their learning.
* Please ensure that students have separate trainers for PE other than those that are black soled and worn for school.
- If your child forgets or loses their tie, one can be borrowed from the attendance/pastoral office. A new tie can be purchased from the finance office
- Anything that is deemed inappropriate/offensive is not acceptable and will be challenged. The executive headteacher and senior leaders reserve the right to isolate any students who this may apply to.
Pre-loved uniform
We do have pre-loved uniform, Friends of Aylsham High School hold regular pre-loved uniform sales or if you were interested in seeing what is available please email
If you have any pre-loved uniform that you wish to donate, please hand it into reception in a bag.
Personal Belongings
Students should avoid bringing unnecessary items of value to school. Large amounts of money or valuable jewellery should not be brought to school. If cycles are brought to school, they should always be padlocked. Neither Norfolk County Council nor the school can accept responsibility for any loss of property belonging to an individual. Students must take full responsibility for their own possessions and are encouraged to get a locker and use it effectively. Lockers are available to all students for their time at school payable in total, on intake, at the non-refundable cost of £2 per year e.g. a Y7 student would pay £10. Locker orders for new intake students can be made at the induction evening in July or alternatively from the finance office in September or during the school year. The payment is made via ParentPay prior to starting school If a key is lost, a replacement can be purchased from the finance office at a cost of £4.
Lost Property
It is essential that all items of clothing/equipment are marked with the student’s name so that they can be returned. Unmarked items are kept in school at reception. All unmarked and unclaimed items will be disposed of, if not claimed by the end of each term.
Mobile Devices
We encourage students to use their own mobile devices and hope they will connect to the school wireless network to access the Internet and use email. However, unless the teacher gives specific permission, devices should be on silent or switched off during lesson times and kept in a pocket or bag. They should not be used in lessons unless the teacher allows them as part of the learning.
All students are provided with login details to the school network and given a filtered Google email account. Students should ensure they keep all passwords secure at all times.
We treat ‘cyber bullying’ (the verbal abuse of other students over an Internet or phone connection) in the same way and with the same sanctions as any other type of bullying whenever that takes place. We reserve the right to confiscate and investigate mobile devices if cyber bullying takes place during periods where students are on site.
If there is a need for the school to communicate with parents during the school day we will call you directly. Please check with us before coming to school in response to your child texting or calling to raise a concern or issue.
We can accept no liability for damage to or loss of mobile devices brought in to school. Misuse of technology in school or outside of school, will result in a phone ban being initiated. This may be for a short period, a few weeks, a half-term or in extreme cases, the remainder of their time at school. Students with phone bans will usually hand their phones in first thing in the morning and collect them at the end of the day.
Internet Safety
Parents often voice concern regarding their child’s safety when accessing the Internet at home; is an excellent website giving advice and guidance to parents to keep their child safe. All students are taught about e-safety as part of their IT and wider curriculum and sessions are run to help parents manage their child’s online life.