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Page 11

  • Wednesday 10th Feb - Closure of onsite provision due to snow and the advice not to travel.

    Published 08/02/21
    We have taken the decision to close our on-site provision for criticval worker and vulnerable students due to the snow and the advice not to travel.  Our remote learning provision will continue as normal.  All students should log on to thei
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  • 2nd place for Josh in East of England British Schools Shooting Competition and through to the National finals!

    Published 18/01/21
    Joshua in Year 8 has taken part in the East of England British Schools Championships.  This year instead of holding the event at a school he was asked to submit the results under strict rules.  Luckily, Josh has his own pistol and his
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  • Duke of Edinburgh Awards

    Published 16/12/20

    Misha, the Duke of Edinburgh Captain and 65 other students across the school received their Certificate of Achievement award from Mr Spalding.  We would like to congratulate them on their hard work and determination in achieiving this - Well done!

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  • Christmas Themed Mufti Day

    Published 02/12/20

    Christmas themed mufti day will be on Friday 18th December, payment of £1 can be made via ParentPay, or alternatively cash donations can be brought in to school on the day and collected in your child's base room.

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  • Exam Certificates

    Published 11/11/20

    Summer exam certificates for the class of 2020 have now been received. 

    We will be organising an opportunity for students in the class of 2020 to collect their certificates, yearbooks, year 11 photographs and coursework as soon as the national Covid restrictions allow.

    We will confirm dates and arrangements with you as soon as we are able.

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  • Video supporting our virtual open evening

    Published 06/10/20
    Here is our video supporting our virtual open evening happening tomorrow evening.  




    If you have not yet registered to attending please click here

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  • WINNERS!!! F1 in Schools UK National Finals 2020

    Published 06/10/20


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  • Virtual Open Evening 2020

    Published 22/09/20
    This year our Open Evening is going virtual!  this Zoom event is for current Year 6 students and their parents, interested in applying to Aylsham High School starting September 2021.  Please make sure you book your place on to our Zoom event to hear from staff and students why Aylsham High School has such a great reputation.

    Please click here to register for the event


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  • Exciting news! Keep reading over the Summer!

    Published 21/07/20
    We have bought in to an ebook and eaudio service so you can listen to books on the go and download books on to your mobile device.  Every student from Y8+ have been emailed a username and password to their email address.  Also
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  • Calling all budding actors, actresses and musicians!

    Published 09/06/20


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  • The school is open to keyworker children. If you fall into this category and require our help, please contact

    Published 06/04/20

    The school is open to keyworker children.  If you fall into this category and require our help, please contact 

    Take care and stay safe.

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  • Online literacy and reading resources

    Published 18/03/20

    Thank you to Lucas Maxwell from Glenthorne High for this extensive list of reading and literacy resources.

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