Letters and emails sent home this week
Confirming/updating records on food allergies
Year 11 group photo collection date 26/3/25
SEND Café - Thursday 1st May 2025
Camping meeting Thursday 3rd April
* To view these letters please check your ParentMail or alternatively, please click here
General Reminders and information
SIMS Parent & SIMS Student – Homework section
We are aware of an issue with the homework section in SIMS Parent and SIMS Student being slow to load or not loading. We have contacted SIMS to get them to urgently look at resolving this issue. We will provide an update via ParentMail as soon as we know more.
We have let all teachers know about this issue so that they are aware when setting and receiving homework.
If your child is ill during the school day
If your child is taken ill during the school day they should firstly report this to their teacher who will authorise them to go to the medical needs office where they will be assessed by a qualified first aider. Parents will be notified immediately if their child requires to go home or in the case of an emergency, an ambulance may be called and parents will be notified. It is important that students follow these procedures and do not phone home themselves.
If parents turn up without being contacted by med bay and take their child home the child's absence will be recorded as unauthorised.
Road Safety weekly message
Get students enthusiastic about active travel. There are numerous park runs in our area that encourage everyone to be more active and many offer a junior parkrun. Could you all enjoy this activity as a family?
A call for help! - Allotment Project
We run a very successful allotment project at Aylsham high School where some of our students can learn the importance of teamwork, communication and, of course, horticulture. The students get a great deal out of this environment and often go on to complete similar courses post-16. In order for the allotment to be as successful as it is, we have relied upon the generosity of a few people in terms of sourcing some key materials and support. Unfortunately, we are in need of finding new sources for some of our materials and support this year. Below is a lit of what we are hoping some of our wonderful parents can help out with:
- Manure – any sort will do but pig is usually the best!
- Hay bales – we usually only need a few small hay bales a year for our strawberry and tomato beds
- Summer holiday watering – when the students aren’t here in the summer, the allotment still needs watering – are you able to spare an hour or two a week to water the allotment? There are usually a handful of fruits and vegetables going spare as a thank you for your time!
If you can help with any of this, please get in contact with Mr Bradshaw via email dbradshaw@aylshamhigh.norfolk.sch.uk
Neurodiversity Celebration Week
2025 Events Schedule
March 17 - 23
We are excited to share the schedule of events with you for Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2025!
This year we're bringing you more panel discussions than ever before, with inspirational speakers from a range of backgrounds and professions. The discussions will all be focussing on key neurodiversity topics, and aim to educate while inspiring conversations about neurodiversity.
All events are free of charge and open to all. Please do sign up to as many events as you like and share with your networks, so we can all join together in celebrating different minds!
Please note that these events are being recorded, to increase accessibility for all around the world. Links to the recordings will be sent via email post-event, so please make sure you register for the events so that you don't miss out!
2025 Events Schedule | Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Check out our Instagram page
Aylsham High School Instagram page
School Reports
The table below provides information about the sharing of school reports:
Sharing information
Shared on 10th March
Next report will be shared in the summer term
Shared 7th February
Version 2 will be shared shortly (individual subjects version)
Shared 7th February
Version 2 will be shared shortly (individual subjects version)
Shared 7th February
Version 2 will be shared shortly (individual subjects version)
Once your child’s report has been shared with you, please ensure that you read your child’s report on SIMS Parent. Your child can also access a copy of their report on their SIMS Student account.
If you have any issues with accessing SIMS Parent or your child’s report, please email our SIMS Parent team simsparent@aylshamhigh.norfolk.sch.uk.
SIMS Student
Students have access to SIMS Student using their school alf.education email address.
To get support with SIMS Student, students can see their computing teacher or Mrs Cooke in the STAR office at break or lunch time.
For more information about SIMS Student, please see the SIMS Student page on the school website under the students tab.
SIMS Parent
All parents/carers with parental responsibility are able to access SIMS Parent once registered.
To get support with SIMS Parent, parents/carers can email simsparent@aylshamhigh.norfolk.sch.uk.
For more information about SIMS Parent including guidance on how to register, access SIMS Parent and about the information being shared with you, please see the SIMS Parent page on the school website under the parents & carers tab.
Clubs for students
To view all clubs please click here
Year 11s Help you choose
Students have now received their log ins for Help you Choose. Please could you encourage your child to add college placements. They need a plan A and a plan B.
Miss Wiseman and Mrs Wiseman are both in room 38 at lunchtimes on Tuesdays and Thursday to guide and support students if they would like any help.
Duke Of Edinburgh Bronze & Silver Expeditions
Please check your emails regarding the parental consent forms that have been sent out for the May Bronze and Silver Expeditions. Payment for this is also on Parent Pay.
If you have any questions please email twiseman@aylshamhigh.norfolk.sch.uk
Activities week will take place on 14 July to 18 July 2025
Welcome to the activities for summer of 2025. Activities week will take place this year during the last week of the summer term. We aim to end the academic year with a fun and exciting range of events designed to enable your child to:
- Spend an extended period of time on an activity of their choice
- Undertake a residential experience if they wish
- Try something completely different
- Progress further with existing skills
- Work with students from different year groups
- Develop the skills needed to be enterprising and utilise key skills in new situations
All students are expected to take part in an activity
The school is unable to authorise absence during activities week, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
We expect cost to be an important factor; activities that have a price associated with them are unable to run unless we can cover the full cost through your contributions. There is, as usual, a range of free and low cost activities to ensure that every child can take part during the week.
There will be a non-refundable deposit required by Friday 22 November 2024; this will be available to pay via ParentPay on Wednesday 13 November 2024. The deadline for full non-refundable payment for all activities is Monday 31 March 2025. Please make payments via ParentPay. If you need assistance with ParentPay, please contact the finance department on ext. 153/107 or finance@aylshamhigh.norfolk.sch.uk. If you would like to discuss payment options including instalments, please contact the activity leader once the activity has been confirmed.
TACT (Families)
Please click here to view upcoming courses and events organised by our Family Learning team.
FREE Workshops available to book. Please click on the link above to get booked onto the courses

Aylsham Sports Hub

Finance Payment Reminders
Payment Reminders
Any items available for payment will be listed on your ParentPay account.
Iceland 2026 – places have now been allocated – please make your deposit payment by Friday 21st March to secure your child’s place.
Exam Pencil Cases – year 9,10,11 – option to purchase available until Friday 21st March.
Leavers Hoodies – available to purchase until Friday 28th March.
Activities Week – payment option is available on ParentPay. Final deadline is 31st March.
Matilda Musical Cast Members – Scripts and T-shirts are available to pay for on ParentPay
Contributions for GCSE courses are available to pay for on ParentPay.
Click here to see latest news within AHS
Road works in Aylsham
There are a lot of roadworks happening in Aylsham and the surrounding area at the moment. Please be mindful to allow extra timing when travelling to and from school as they are causing a few delays. We are not informed of when the roadworks take place or how long they will be there for. You can keep updated on the One Network website or please click here for more information.
Road Safety Winners
In the autumn term, we ran a series of competitions to highlight the importance of Road Safety and Active Travel. This was funded by a grant from the Road Safety Partnership at Norfolk County Council and Active Travel England.
We ran two competitions – firstly a competition for students to show their artistic side and design a new banner that would take pride of place at the front of the school, advertising road safety and active travel. We were overwhelmed with the response from our students who really understood the brief and produced some outstanding artwork. We were so impressed, we decided to increase the prizes on offer and offer 3 first prize places, 3 second place prizes and 10 third place prizes.
Congratulations to Hannah Hamilton, Katie Clarke and Covey Denton on winning your brand new bikes – your banners will start appearing outside school this term! Second and third place prizes included bike accessories and gift vouchers.
We also ran a campaign encouraging students to walk, cycle or scoot to school as well as encouraging parents to use the rear car park to ease congestion at the front of the school. Well done to parent Lydia Bourne for winning the competition and a £50 voucher. We also awarded prizes to 5 students to thank them for walking, scooting or cycling to school.
We do still have some prizes and rewards for walking, cycling or scooting to school so keep an eye out for more incentives in the future!
A pre-loved uniform sale will be held on Saturday 22nd March 2025 from 11am through to midday in the reception area of the school.
Students are able to wear the blue AHS polo shirts or a plain sky blue polo shirt along with their blazers form Wednesday 23rd April 2025 through to Tuesday 22nd July 2025, with this in mind there will be a pre loved uniform sale on Saturday 22nd March 2025 from 11am - midday in the school reception, we will be selling all uniform items and there will be plenty of blue polo shirts for sale at only £6.
TACT evening courses
With limited spaces available, booking is essential. We encourage people to sign up using the provided link to a Google form; however, if anyone expresses an interest and encounters difficulties, please contact Monica: mharding@ayshamhigh.norfolk.sch.uk text: 07780 887348
To view courses, please visit: /tact-families-workshop-courses
To view our current vacancies please click here
To view previous news articles please click here