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Year 7 and 8 DT/drama/food rotation – current rotation ending Friday 7th March
The current rotation finishes on Friday 7th March. The new rotation therefore starts on Monday 10th March.
Student timetables on SIMS Parent and SIMS Student will be updated on Thursday 6th March.
For more information, please see the school website:
School Reports
The table below provides information about the sharing of school reports:
Sharing information
Being shared in March
Next report will be shared in the summer term
Shared 7th February
Version 2 will be shared shortly (individual subjects version)
Shared 7th February
Version 2 will be shared shortly (individual subjects version)
Shared 7th February
Version 2 will be shared shortly (individual subjects version)
Once your child’s report has been shared with you, please ensure that you read your child’s report on SIMS Parent. Your child can also access a copy of their report on their SIMS Student account.
If you have any issues with accessing SIMS Parent or your child’s report, please email our SIMS Parent team
SIMS Student
Students have access to SIMS Student using their school email address.
To get support with SIMS Student, students can see their computing teacher or Mrs Cooke in the STAR office at break or lunch time.
For more information about SIMS Student, please see the SIMS Student page on the school website under the students tab.
SIMS Parent
All parents/carers with parental responsibility are able to access SIMS Parent once registered.
To get support with SIMS Parent, parents/carers can email
For more information about SIMS Parent including guidance on how to register, access SIMS Parent and about the information being shared with you, please see the SIMS Parent page on the school website under the parents & carers tab.