General Reminders and information
School Reports
The following school reports have recently been shared via SIMS Parent and SIMS Student:
- Year 11 autumn report – subject version
Please ensure that you read your child’s report on SIMS Parent and then complete the parent/carer reply form which has been shared with you via ParentMail in the email to let you know that the reports are available.
If you have any issues with accessing SIMS Parent or your child’s report, please email our SIMS Parent team
SIMS Student
All students have access to SIMS Student using their school email address.
If your child has parental controls on their phone, please help them to download the SIMS Student and give them permission to use their school email account on their phone.
To get support with SIMS Student, students can see their computing teacher or Mrs Cooke in the STAR office at break or lunch time.
For more information about SIMS Student, please see the SIMS Student page on the school website under the students tab.
SIMS Parent
All parents/carers with parental responsibilty are able to access SIMS Parent once registered.
Accounts for year 7 families were shared on Monday 18th September. Please ensure that you register your account.
To get support with SIMS Parent, parents/carers can email
For more information about SIMS Parent including guidance on how to register, access SIMS Parent and about the information being shared with you, please see the SIMS Parent page on the school website under the parents & carers tab.

Can you help please?
We have a large quantity of surplus timber, mainly dismantled/broken pallets, which we would like to donate to Aylsham Scouts for their community bonfire. Would anyone be available with a suitable truck/van to collect from AHS and move to the community bonfire location at Woodgate Nursery? If you are able to help, please would you e-mail our site team -
Thank you.
Message from Friends of Aylsham High School – 50/50 club
The 50/50 club is a very simple fundraiser, run by the Friends of Aylsham High School, to raise funds for equipment and resources for the school.
Each parent participating pays £12 into the fund via ParentPay in the first half term. During the year there are 6 draws where a random participant is picked to receive a minimum of £50.
You can join in by paying your £12 on ParentPay, so check your account over the next week as it will appear as an option available to purchase until Friday 21st October.
Kind regards
Friends of Aylsham High School