General Reminders
Please could parents that have not yet completed their child consent form for activities week kindly do so ASAP. If we do not have it completed your child will not be able to attend their chosen activity
End of Day Car Pick-Up Procedures
Preferred procedure
Our preferred arrangement remains for parents to continue to pick up their children from the Bure Meadows car park after 3.35pm from the bus horse shoe area. This is our preferred option as risks to students are reduced to a minimum. Parents are welcome to park in the car park while they wait and then drive into the horse shoe area once the buses have gone. Parents following this system should not park on the Bure Meadows estate. All we ask is that parents drive to the far end of the horse shoe near the exit gate and move up to fill spaces when cars leave after having picked up. Students will not be allowed to cross the car park and parents should not ask them to, or challenge staff who ask them to wait. The reason we have always enforced this rule is to keep students safe, and not have them crossing between buses. Regrettably, a very small minority of parents have at times been very rude to my colleagues. If you need to collect your child before 3.35pm, please refer to the guidance in the section below.
Procedure for those who need to pick-up by car before 3.35pm
For parents who need to pick-up between 3.25pm and 3.35pm, we would ask them to use the front car park. Parents should drive to the far end of the car park near the nurture building and wait on the left-hand side. The right-hand side needs to be kept clear for cars to leave once they have picked up their children. Anyone waiting must not leave their vehicle but must move up towards the end of the car park to fill gaps left by cars who have picked up and left. If parents do not do this, the traffic will extend beyond the car park and Sir Williams Lane will become blocked. Parents need to be incredibly mindful that there will be lots of children crossing roads and leaving on foot or by bike. Sir Williams Lane is very narrow and can become easily congested. Parents using this pick-up point will have to be incredibly patient as impatience, or inconsiderate behaviour, could put children at risk and we all have a responsibility to keep our children safe.
Keeping students and staff safe is our number one priority at all times. To do this we have to be able to count on all parents to share that responsibility. Helping 1100 students to go home safely is a huge logistical exercise that we complete successfully every day. All that we ask is that parents play their part and respect our staff, our systems and our neighbours.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for following our guidelines.
For students currently taking instrument lessons in school, they will automatically be put on the timetables for September, a new form does not need to be filled in for each academic year. For those wishing to stop lessons in the new academic year please e-mail the Head of Music before the start of the summer holidays.
For any students not currently having instrument lessons who would like to start them in September please read the letter which provides information on instruments covered and pricing then complete and return the form. This form can be found on the school website under the parents & careers tab, new yr7 transition & new admission (this letter can be used by parents of students in any year wishing to start instrument lessons).