General Reminders and information
School Photo's
The school photographs will be taken in school on Wednesday 13th September 2023. Please ensure your child’s uniform and hair is at an acceptable standard.
Your child will bring their photograph proof home and orders should be placed directly with Tempest, not via the school.
SIMS Student
All students have access to SIMS Student using their school email address.
We are currently in the process of registering our year 7 students on SIMS Student. This is being completed by their computing teachers in their computing lessons. Please see a letter recently sent to year 7 families about this process on the letters home page.
To get support with SIMS Student, students can see their computing teacher or Mrs Cooke in the STAR office at break or lunch time.
For more information about SIMS Student, please see the SIMS Student page on the school website under the students tab.
SIMS Parent
All parents/carers with parental responsibility are able to access SIMS Parent once registered.
Accounts for year 7 families will be shared during week commencing 11th September. Parents/carers of year 7 will receive two emails to set up their SIMS Parent access. One of them will be from explaining how to register your account and the other will be from which will be your SIMS Parent invite. Please look out for these emails next week.
If you are a year 7 parent/carer and have a child already at AHS, then your new year 7 child will appear on your existing account.
If you are a year 8-11 parent/carer and haven’t registered your SIMS Parent account, please email our SIMS Parent team to request your invite.
To get support with SIMS Parent, parents/carers can email
For more information about SIMS Parent including guidance on how to register, access SIMS Parent and about the information being shared with you, please see the SIMS Parent page on the school website under the parents & carers tab.
2023-2024 School Calendar